Legendary Wolf Games began as an online store based out of Omaha, Nebraska on July 21st, 2015. The store was founded by Myles Tyler, an avid and competitive gamer. Myles, and his wife Danielle, had been playing UFS since it’s release in 2006. Over the years, by travelling to many UFS events around the country, they amassed a collection of cards that was outgrew the needs of their local playgroup. These excess cards were turned into stock for the original LWG online store.
In these beginning days, the store’s primary goal was to support players of the Universal Fighting System (UFS) community worldwide. Over time, Legendary Wolf Games became one of the leading providers of UFS singles to the worldwide community. As the online store grew, and our own local game store struggled, Myles had dreams of opening a brick-and-mortar store so that local gamers could belong to part of a great community and have a home to play the games that they loved.
With lots of hard work and savings, the brick-and-mortar Legendary Wolf Games was born on December 1st, 2017. Myles selected a location inside of a local shopping mall, so that he could demo his favorite games to anyone that was interested.
Since then, LWG has grown into a staple store at the mall, and has grown a community of gamers that support one another and always have a great time playing games.
Looking to the future, Legendary Wolf Games would like to expand to other markets (maybe Kansas City or Chicago – somewhere close to home first) with the dreams of someday having franchised locations all over the country.
Our customers mean the most to us, and we try to treat each and every one of you like family. Thank you for supporting our store.
One of our main goals at Legendary Wolf Games is to create a safe gaming space for anyone who is interested in gaming. This means that our store welcomes gamers of all ages, as well as being LGBTQIA allies. We believe that anyone who wants to have fun and play games should have a home and a fun community to do so. We believe in creating a community of gamers that supports one another and has fun while doing it. It is not uncommon for the LWG owners to host community barbeques at their home and invite the members of the gaming community. Events like these strengthen the bonds that the community has and creates a gaming environment unlike any other.
In order to maintain this safe home for all gamers, we have a few store rules that everyone is asked to follow:
If at any point you have any issues while you are enjoying your time in our store, please let one of our staff members know, and we will do everything we can to help you enjoy your gaming experience.
- OwnerMyles
Myles Owner
Full Profile Coming Soon
- Systems AdminDanielle
Danielle Systems Admin
Full Profile Coming Soon
- Retail Store ManagerMason
Mason Retail Store Manager
Full Profile Coming Soon
- CashierKian
Kian Cashier
Full Profile Coming Soon
- CashierThomas
Thomas Cashier
Full Profile Coming Soon
- CashierAphid
Aphid Cashier
Full Profile Coming Soon